Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Antigravity Addict

You aren't living a decent life unless you have dialed it up a notch with an antigravity workout. I'm a long time FITness freak /gym rat who's tried it all!  From Tae-Bo to Zumba, from spin to Bikram "hot" yoga, from water aerobics to jazzercise... but aerial suspension training is by far the coolest class I… Continue reading Antigravity Addict

Muscles and Mascara


Massage!!!  Awhh, the mere thought of an appointment for any kind of massage makes me want to strip down, stretch, relax and take a load off. I know it's not for everyone which is fine because that means more for me!  You people don't know what you are missing.   Suffice it to say, I'm… Continue reading Massage 

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Keep On Rolling

Massage. AHHHH!  Just typing the word makes me breath deeper and release unnecessary tension in my shoulders.  Massages are the bomb!  The real deal! I realize massage is NOT for everyone (rolling my eyes) but personally I LOVE a good deep massage.  Shoot, I love a bad massage.  Ok, come to think of it, I… Continue reading Keep On Rolling