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Construction Zone

Is your personal pursuit of FITness under construction?  Do you ignore the signs and vere off on your on dumb path?  Do you attempt short cuts to weight loss and or cause your own road blocks?

It seems every place I drive or run lately I wind up in or near a construction zone. ROAD work ahead signs are everywhere.  I don’t know about you but I get big time frustrated with these temporary traffic time outs!  I’m in a hurry already.  Who has the time to yield, slow speed and deal with detours? 

Naturally, I almost always think that I’m smarter than the detour. Do you know what I mean?  After all what do those construction cronies with their hard hats and glowing vests know that I don’t know?!  Shoot, I’m a local and I know the ins and outs of Dallas like the back of my hand. 

HUH!  Typically, I waste on average about 15 minutes or longer before I’m put back in my place and realize that my “know it all” short cut was an EPIC FAIL. All I had to do was follow and stay the course. I would have saved time and be closer to my ultimate destination if I had just followed the signs.  Plus, I’m a directionally challenged ding bat!

I get it girlfriend…you think you have a long way to go on your FITness journey and a short cut would be nice!  Listen up, allow me to put you in your place…”there are no FITness short cuts”!  Get this through your thick head because there are NO SHORT CUTS.  FITness is a one way sign of dicipline and dedication with mass reward.  

Taking risky short cuts such as depriving yourself of food is hazardous.  “EAT”. I said “eat”!  A hungry body is a healthy body.   It’s highly possible that one of the biggest road blocks preventing you from the next level of weight loss or muscle tone is food.  Stop eating junk!  FAST FOOD is the equivalent of a gargantuan   ⇐ barricade like the one here.  Junk food prevents thru traffic and maybe in your case, weight loss and other healthy benefits.   If you’re one of the many trying to drop some LB’s and want to keep it off,  a “cheat” Blizzard from Dairy Queen, because you have been so good for two weeks, is a GINORMOUS hazard.  It’s a complete about-face U-turn back into oncoming traffic! Reward your progress with a simple savvy selection and go for a small serving of frozen yogurt or a sugar-free popcycle.  A roll of Oreos is not on any meal plan that I have ever suggested.  So, why in the blue blazes is it even in your pantry?

Perhaps you don’t have double stuffed Oreos in your pantry and yet somehow you are still struggling.  You have reached a FITness fork in the road. Food portions can be perplexing. Either it’s too much food or not enough right?  Portion control can be a tricky path to yield. It’s easy to get blindsided because you need to eat so that you don’t over eat but what’s enough?

Once, I had a client that hit gridlock. She plateaued out and we could not figure out why the scales stopped moving. I asked her to keep a food log.  After 5 days I was able to access that she was not eating enough food.  Did you catch that?  I added more high protein foods into her diet and just like that, SNAP, she took a turn and got right back on the road to success. 

I’m physically in a constant state of “under constructIon”.  I operate within the lines of the infamous orange cones.   The bright neon orange cones provide a FITessential soft barrier to guide my perpetual path.  Where do your orange cones direct you?

The big barrel cones are obnoxious but maybe this visual will resonate with you!  Visualize these barrell cones protecting you from evil energy sucking forces such as super sized everything, sodas, greasy fried foods, cheese loaded  nachos, burgers and enchiladas.  

Get your whole mind and body in the zone.  Stay within the boundary lines and follow  my orange cone advice to good food, clean eating and exercise.

Ladies, this bobbing and weaving in and out of the cones, i.e. workouts, bad to good and back to bad eating habits, is EXACTLY like being on a hamster wheel.  You WILL not change.  

Lastly, at the end of a detour there is usually an exit sign or a bridge over pass. The overpass is greatness because you gain perspective.  Better yet you get the benefits of excellent blood pressure, lower cholesterol and other sustainable heart healthy gifts.  You also find weight loss, toned muscles, stamina and much more.

Sure it may be a life long zone but those rubber cones are more flexible once you reach the over pass. Come on. I’m waiting and the view is FITacular!  

Love, visualize the orange cones and get in the zone!  

Angi xo

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