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Roller Coaster

It’s Monday, and it just so happens to be  18 years to the day that I walked the isle and said, “I do” and joined Mr. Chicken Fried Steak in holy matrimony. Aren’t we cute?

Marriage has some layers y’all!  Wow wee.  In just 18 years me and Mr. Chicken Fry have experienced what seems like a trillion different phases and 2o bazillion ups and downs.  That pastor was not lying when he told us that marriage was like a roller coaster!  He further encouraged us to buckle up, hold on tight and keep riding.

  I can’t help but think how much the roller coaster scenario also works in health and FITness terms.  FITness,  much like marriage, is not always a joy ride.  I personally jumped in the FITness hot seat about 22 years ago and I have been riding the roller coaster ever since.

In the beginning of a new FITness program all you may hear is the loud clicking sound of the chains pulling you up that first steep incline.  All you can see is the up hill battle and it may seem like you will never reach the top.

You cleaned out your pantry, you invested in new workout attire, you joined a gym or hired a personal trainer or maybe even made your own workout schedule.  You are putting in the effort but seeing little to no results.  It fees more like a ferris wheel than a roller coaster.

Folks, it takes time to get to the top of that first hill.  Usually it takes 6-8 weeks to see or feel any significant change.  You might even think the ride stopped operating. You’re stuck and feel like maybe you have hit a plateau.   Let me assure you that this is normal.  Chances are if you’re overweight you didn’t wake up one and look down to find 30 extra pounds just randomly appeared.  Gaining weight was a gradual process and so it goes taking the weight off.

You may reach the peak and hold your hands up high.  You sense and feel some good traction and now a little thing I call FITmentum is born.  It’s high-speed ahead right into a FITness free fall.  You’re positive your going to ride this baby out for all it’s worth.  Eating clean, working out, sweating and killing your cardio has become like second nature to you.  It’s practically like brushing your teeth.  You are in it to win it!   You’re dropping inches and watching your clothes fall off.  Nothing beter than the adrenaline from that first BIG free fall drop!  That rush is a high.

But what goes up can come racing down.

Who knows, a year later you round the bend and get a little lazy.  You slack a little bit on the workouts or fudge way to frequently on your cheat meals.  The next thing you know you’re five – 8 pounds and you can hear the chains clicking away again.  That’s ok – it happens!  As long as you stay in your seat and you don’t get off the ride competely.

There are going to be days when you are riding and you feel perfectly balanced and steady.   But there will also be days or weeks or months when you feel you can’t control the tail spin or loop de loop.  Maybe you’re on a feeding frenzy or let your guard down and put on some Summer fluff.  (I totally get it)  

Keep your seat belt fastened and hands inside at all times.  Ride baby ride.  Remember roller coasters promise up’s and downs!  Some super sonic roller coasters keep you in the dark and shock the heck out of you with a crazy corkscrew maneauver you didn’t seem coming.  Sometimes you have to brace and bear down hard.  Life is full of temptations to over eat or indulge in fried fast foods.   I know you see the folks on the tilt of while and it looks fun.  Stay on the roller coaster  Its’ the best ride and the main atraciton.  All other rides have failed to keep you interested.  They didn’t capture your attention.  Do it the old fashioned way and keep riding!

Keep going. Enjoy the climb and the coast!

Love, ride, and I love you Mr. Chicken Fry!





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