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Slay The Day

Are you crawling up the wall crazy to get all of the Christmas decorations put away?  Are you chomping at the bits to clear the clutter and make room for the new year?  Does the mere fact that we have entered TWENTY SEVENTEEN flip you out?

I made an executive decision to slay only the day!  This basically give myself a break from the anxiety to declutter, clean out and do all of “the things” by January 2nd.  By gosh, I’m going to sip some wine and take my time. If the tree doesn’t fully come down until Friday I’ll live. (baby steps)

So join  me, take a deep inhale baby doll and breath in 2017!  On your exhale…let the past go!  What’s done and how you have done it is gone.  It’s sounds rather cliché but truthfully, it’s behind you!

When it comes to making FITness a lifestyle, Carpe Diem has long resonated with me  and I think I like it because it’s not a super broad motto.  Seize the DAY, one day at a time.  Don’t worry about slaying the whole year or the month or quarter…just focus on the day.

Folks, last year I wrote about my problem with new year rookie resolutions.  Don’t get me wrong, planning has it’s place and purpose.  Having somewhat of a plan is in my blood but resolutions are in my opinion a one way ticket to the funny farm.  I’ve been there  and it’s no fun. I suffered from major anxiety regarding decoration take down, unpacking, bad holiday indulgences, and getting back in the groove. What I have come to realize is…today is a gift. I will do what I can (what I want to) and that is enough!   People, if you have a pulse you can handle one day at a time.  24 hours set ups create what I like to call FITmentum!

The mind is a powerful tool which is where FITness begins…in the brain.  Step one is to set a goal for tomorrow.  Do what you gotta do…write it down, pack a bag, pack a snack bag, wake up early, drop the kids off at a play date, call a friend for accountability, join a gym, bundle up and brave the elements, whatever it takes to make your goal a reality.

Sample day one goal.

walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes

30 full sit ups  

30 push ups (from knees)

30 squats

Sample day two goal

35 minutes of cardio

(use what you have: treadmill, elliptical, spin bike, bicycle, power walk or jog outside)

Sample day three goal

30 front lunges each leg

30 crunches

30 tricep dips

15 minutes of 4 percent incline on the treadmill  

Slay the day and refresh your daily objectives as you move along as you get stronger.  You might have to call on your old friends motivation and discipline.  You might need to put them in your fav 5 or program them on speed dial.  Call em up and tell them to come help a girl out!

Until tomorrow, enjoy today because it’s all we are promised.  Tomorrow you seize, slay and own your day.  Be realistic with yourself and plan a doable time to get in a workout.  If you know your not a morning person designate a time mid day or after work. You have to make it happen…adopt the Slay the day after day after day motto. Make it a habit. Yes, it’s a hassle before it’s a habit but trust me…you got this! 

Last year I was dreading the reboot of the school schedule.  But y’all, I’m so ready to send my busy baby girl teenager back to school on Wednesday.  I’m so excited about getting in a groove and for me that starts tomorrow at 5:30am.  The alarm will sound and I will be dressed and jacked up on coffee ready to greet my first client at 6 am.  Bring it on!

I wish you all a happy happy joyous new year.

Now get going to the grocery story and load up on all sorts of veggies, nuts and lean meats.  Don’t forget to pack healthy lunches, get some laundry done and reclaim areas of your home. Lay out your workout clothes and sneakers. (Put them to good use tomorrow) Kiss and tuck your kids in bed and try to get some ever lovin rest…you’re going to need it because 2017 is going to blow your mind!  Seize the day baby doll!

Love, slay the day and by all means cover the gray!



 Me and the teenager who occupies space in my home and heart! 



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