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In FITness and in health!  

I, Angi Abercrombie, took you, my loyal readers, to have and to hold, October 2016, to humor and encourage, to inspire and to cherish, in FITness and in health till death, lack of WIFI or technology do we part!

It’s astonishing how fast time flies.  Approximately one year ago, I took a vow and I committed to it FITfully!  I entered a new phase of FITness and started blogging.

Seriously y’all, I’m blown away that ANYONE besides my mom and Mr. Chicken Fry actually follow my blog!  I’m in a humble state of shock that, in one year, I have 100 plus human beings keeping up with my little labor of luv and FITness on WordPress!  (lots and lots of air  kisses to you all)  I’m beyond stunned with my growing number of fans and outpouring of sweet precious compliments, texts, likes and comments via FACEBOOK,  INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER .  Thank you!  I’m gushing over here.  Thank you, thank you!  I’m genuinely blushing and feel lots of warm fuzzies.   I’m flattered and it’s only BECAUSE of your encouragement that I kept plugging away.  THANK YOU! 

I dove in head first (no thinking it through) willfully and passionately began spilling my guts (FITness expertise) into a small speck of a space on the world wide web.  My hope and prayer was that somewhere someone would be entertained or inspired to make a change and LIVE out a balanced healthy lifestyle.  I also desperately wanted to debunk all of the commercial brainwashing, industry trends, scams and wives tales about FITness and health and tell it like it REALLY is!  No sugar-coating up in here!

Thus my labor of luv was born…my baby blog was birthed!  Yall, it was love at first key strike! Instinctively I was nurturing and caring for my newborn baby blog. It was all I could think about.  I coudn’t type fast enough and I wore my family completely out week one. I was flooded with ideas and I wanted to talk about…EVERYTHING!  To know me is to know that I move fast.  I only have two gears, fast forward and neutral which is when I sleep.  I tucked myself away in my cozy happy place and went to town.

I skipped the bottle and chose not to breast feed from the T.I.T. method. (think it through)  I just went for it…straight to whole foods with a spoon.  Who cares about spelling and proper grammar?  Details, details!  Hurry up and tell people stuff already!  

I had so much to say because I have 20 and some odd years of material stored up.  Shoot, right outside my back door are countless gym stories of hardships, break throughs, set backs, injuries, and best of all, beautiful success stories.  I couldn’t write fast enough.

Additionally, I had to find a way to incorporate my freak of nature super human macho man,  Mr. Chicken Fry.  My for real “in sickness and in health,’  who is the polar opposite of FITness and health.    This in itself should be a marital blog.  Eiye ya yei!

I’m also a mother of a teenage daughter.  Talk about shooting myself in the foot.  I dare you, try being a FITness industry professional doing your best to keep yourself in shape and in check not to mention NURTURING a pre-teen through the treacherous muddy waters of  BODY IMAGE HELL.  Knowing how to help her but not wanting to injure her or create issues. It’s like walking a TIGHT rope regardless of your job title.  Lord, help us all!

I remember a special friend asking me, “aren’t you afraid you will run out of things to talk about?” Nope, it never crossed my mind and has not been a problem since.  I think partly because I’m not only preaching and training my weekly workout warriors but I too feel like a work in progress. Trainers, coaches, writers and bloggers need love too. We aren’t immune from temptation or exhaustion.

Have I mentioned there was no plan or thinking it through?  I slapped up some decent photos and made it work. At some point I started to crawl and felt more comfortable as a new born blogger.  I went rogue and incorporated candid workout videos.  Yall, trust me it’s not easy to stay peppy after 10-12 takes of challenging exercises!  📽😳 And… I had no clue that I needed an engineering degree from NASA to figure out how to down/upload videos to the blog via  You Tube and Capture and applications and i pads and yadda yadda and… Thank the Lord for teenagers!  HUH!

Still trying to stand and walk,  I fought it out in the dressings rooms trying on clothes so I could share with you the FIT look for less!!!  Folks, I hate to shop. “Labor of love, Angi,  labor of love”, I repeated to myself duruing tortureous trips to Old Navy, Kohls and Target.

I even attempted real gourmet type style cooking.  At 43 years old I know myself all too well.  I can say with confidence that this cooking category was wishful thinking.  Nope, dusting my hands off, it’s still not for me.  I’m totally faking it on the cooking front. When all else fails, eat out or FAKE IT!

My motto has forever been that “a hungry body is a healthy body.”  I dug deep to discuss the importance of meal prep, eating clean and simple savvy choices when the time comes to cheat.  

I have touted my favorite gym equipment, protein bars, sparkling water and tips to stay healthy and injury free.  Shhh, tell only your best friends.  I only advertise things that I use and can’t live without.


I’m not going anywhere if that’s what you’re hoping, wondering!  I hope to subtly make a move into the fancy schmancey blog format with airbrushed professional photos that many other FITness bloggers have. (NAH)  I’m doing this solo and on a trainers salary.  I don’t have soft lighting and personal assistants at my discretion. I’m running a homegrown mom and pop operation over here jugging life like everyone else.  My material is unfortunately not sponsored but I will keep writing and praying.  I love you BLUE-EMU!  I’m still hoping for a BIG FAT ENDORSEMENT because I value your product.

 I know my writing style isn’t english teacher worthy and I know better but this is how I talk.  I have a knack for being notoriously cheesey and I’m perfectly proud of it.  I have a ton more quirky material in the pipeline.  Can you handle it?  Are you ready for some militia type workouts?  Are you aching for sore muscles and convulsions from high intensity interval training?  Me too! 

Happy 1st Birthday baby blog.  I more than look forward to watching you grow. In FITness and in health…

To each of my loyal FIT followers and workout warriors, tell me what you want to see more of or less of?  What humors you and inspires you the most?

Love, peace and lean muscle increase! 💪🏾 

Angi xo

I want you all to know that I have been that girl.  That girl who early on battled my way through middle school, high school and college with body image issues and weight GAIN.  Somewhere down that road, I made up my mind to make a change. I have journeyed up and down in weight and 22 years ago made my way to a permanent smaller figure. I found the key and want to share it with anyone who will listen because it will work for EVERYONE!  

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