Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


 Abercrombie and FITness celebrates TEN FITastic years! This equals an exorbitant amount of Muscles and Mascara!  From the burbs to online coaching, I have officially fulfilled 10 full years in business.  To be a small business owner has been a dream come true.  My little slice of the pie as a professional FITness instructor has… Continue reading TEN FITastic YEARS

Bringing Sweaty Back

Pineapple (skinny) cole slaw

Don't let Summer 2019 ride off into the sunset until you have experienced some pineapple cole slaw.  If you're a foodie who enjoys fresh homemade Summer, low fat recipes, prepare to fall deeply in love! Introducing the yummiest cole slaw ever made! I hate to even call it a cole slaw because this zesty dish… Continue reading Pineapple (skinny) cole slaw

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back

Plank-tober Fest (anniversary series)

October, three years ago, I blindly began a FITness blog. I jumped in, not knowing how much time or effort it would absorb and or how it would be perceived in public. My whole goal was and is to share information relating to living a healthy lifestyle through funny true stories, client testimonials and human error.… Continue reading Plank-tober Fest (anniversary series)

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Mexico Gains

Mr. Chicken Fry nailed it.  He booked us five prime time nights in a familiar, close to our hearts, sunny beach destination....Cancun, Mexico.  We share a deep love for clear ocean water and white sand beaches and Cancun was a perfect hop skip and jump from Dallas, Texas. We were greeted and treated like royalty… Continue reading Mexico Gains

Bringing Sweaty Back

This is 20 years

This time 20 years ago I was a blushing bride awaiting my grande debut. I was hours away from making the long-awaited traditional walk down the white center flowered pedaled aisle with my daddy.  He would be passing the torch so to speak to the one and only Mr. Chicken Fry.  The butterflies and the… Continue reading This is 20 years

Metabolism Monday, Muscles and Mascara

Super Size Surprise!

I tried the impossible.  I did my dead level best to pull off the impossibility of a surprise sweet 16th birthday party for the teen queen.  Do yall even know how virtually impossible this task is living in the year 2018? Yall, I gave it my best savvy techy well thought out, or so I… Continue reading Super Size Surprise!

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, FITogether virtual training, Metabolism Monday

The Terrific Twos

Hang with me for a second! I could not bring myself to send out a post yesterday much less a jovial, every body stand up and clap your hands kind of post. In light of the news it just didn't seem right.  The tragic unveiling of the Las Vegas shooting was all too much for… Continue reading The Terrific Twos

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Seven Greatest HIITs

What rhymes with the number seven...HEAVEN!  What rhymes with anniversary...it's your lucky day?!  (if you say it speedy fast and under your breath) Well guess what?  Today marks a special anniversary and a lucky day!  Today, Abercrombie and FITness celebrates seven spectacular blessed years of business. Click here→Happy Anniversary Abercrombie and FITness for a peek at… Continue reading Seven Greatest HIITs

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

In FITness and in health!  

I, Angi Abercrombie, took you, my loyal readers, to have and to hold, October 2016, to humor and encourage, to inspire and to cherish, in FITness and in health till death, lack of WIFI or technology do we part! It's astonishing how fast time flies.  Approximately one year ago, I took a vow and I… Continue reading In FITness and in health!  

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Happy Anniversary Abercrombie and FITness

 I officially named my business and opened the gym doors  on January 5th 2010.  It's been SIX sweet years of growth, change and blessings heaped onto blessings.  I can hardly believe how quickly the time has passed.  I'm 100 percent positive it's the fab energy and human life that continuously flows in and out, week… Continue reading Happy Anniversary Abercrombie and FITness