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Doggie Style

Hello and happy Friday!

Have you ever noticed that pet owners and their animals kind of / sort of look-alike?   They say that dog owners will subconsciously choose pets with the same type of personality or some certain physical characteristics that are familiar or comforting.

(if you’re only here for the workout, scroll down to the bottom for a quick doggie style workout video) 

For instance, a person with a thick head of hair might choose a fluffy hairy breed or a people with a large nose might pick a dog with a long snout!

I’m not sure if any of this doggie style hocus pocus is true or relevant but I do have some exciting news to report.  Many of you, my loyal workout warriors and blog fans have noticed a new face in and around our house.


Meet OSCAR aka “OZZY” for short!

Ozzy is the newest addition to the Abercrombie household.

Wouldn’t ya know, Mr. Chicken Fry and I, are now the proud adopted parents of a snazzy Whippet!

The Whippet is a dog breed of medium-size. They are a slight hound breed that originated in England, where they descended from greyhounds. Whippets today still strongly resemble a smaller greyhound.

As you can see, Ozzy is super soft like a sandy beach. This little guy is an ultra lean sweet boy whom we inherited a few weeks ago.  He’s quick, agile and is adjusting to his new  doting surroundings.

What’s up with a Whippet?

Wouldn’t ya know that I would only adopt a dog breed that is highly energetic and loves to exercise.  A pal around type that I can take with me on my intense cardio sessions.  Ozzy is high energy and can blast!  He’s all about a leisurely fast paced speed walk or a jog!  He’s mainly into chasing squirrels at whippet warp speed.  Whippets have a even temperment which works well with our other fur baby FAITH.

The second reason a whippet is a good FIT, is the breeds short hair factor.  I’m very allergic to animal hair and most dogs but Ozzy’s short coat helps keep my dander issues on the down low.

I realized Ozzy was a keeper because he falls in line with the making of a low maintenance dog.  He is an awesome sleeper. He likes to cover up and burry himself deep under the covers. He’s not waking me up at the crack of dawn to outside.  In fact, Ozzy is a rock star in his own mind, becaue he can’t be bothered until roughtly 11am.  He’s a cuddle bug and gets along fine!

Like our cherished Vizsula, FAITH, this breed wants to be the boss.  We weren’t exactly sure how Faith would welcome a permanent friend into the mix but even she has warmed up to Ozzy!


It’s super important as the dog owner to make sure you establish dominance and who’s in charge.  In this case…that would be me.  Basically because I’m the female alpha of the house. I’m mainly the one who feeds, walks and waters the two four-legged creatures, therefore they know that I’m chief!

It’s also important for obedience purposes. Establishing dominance is important otherwise this breed will try to reign over small children or other dogs.  Once the rules are laid out, structure usually isn’t a problem. Both breeds, are extremely protective and can snip if they feel threatened.

Our seven-year old queen bee FAITH immediately put Ozzy in his place. She made it known who was the master doggie dog of the house.  For the first 5 days, she was putting poor Ozzy in his place.  She had him shaking like a leaf and wasn’t about to let some other dog come in and take over her plush domain.  She was playful but stern.

Faith was like…hey Ozzy, you see this spot right here on the couch…this is ALL MINE!  Hey Ozzy, see this dog bowl right here…it’s mine.  Hey Ozzy,…this is my mommy and she takes me walking and we might take you too but she’s mine!

Sir Ozzy isn’t lackin in love.  He’s totally chill and playful. He likes to get at least an hour or more of outside activity and he’s good to go.

Why we are talking dogs, let’s take a tip from our four-legged furry friends and hit the mat doggy style!  Go head girl go head and get down on all fours and get to work. These basic and often overlooked exercises bring the heat.

I recommend doing 4-6 sets of 20 reps or more. 50 fire hydrants on each side for each round minimum. This workout is involves assorted movements on the ground coupled with high repetitions. The best part is no equipment required.  This is a do it anywhere interval.  Take it to your hotel room, bedroom, living room or outdoors.


Push ups regular or tricep push ups

Weighted glute squeezes 20 each side

Place a weight behind the knee. Squeeze and thrust your leg up squeezing your butt cheek. Keep the abs tight and breath.

fire hydrants

Keep a neutral spine and neck. Lift the leg out to the side keeping the core strong and tight.

Bridge tricep toe taps. Rock from side to side extending and reaching for the opposite toe.

Down dog push back abs

From a plank position bridge up and reach back extending the arm to the opposite toe then back to plank.


From plank position, jump and kick or thrust your heels to tap the back of your behind. Working the hamstrings and shoulders.

What kind of dog do you have?  Do you exercise your dog on the daily?  I’m open to any information on the Whippet or general dog tales.

Love, run a mile and workout doggie style. 

Angi xo

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