Bringing Sweaty Back


Eight weeks ago we welcomed a new puppy to our family. An 8 week old vizsla we named Tene't (pronounced like Renee). I was not happy about the edition. For all of the reasons an empty nester, clean freak, married to a man that thrives on freedom and spontaneity might not be excited about a… Continue reading RUT-ROW

Bringing Sweaty Back


If my sneakers could talk they would have a smorgasbord to brag about! Mainly our. relationship. Me and my sneaks are friends. They are like my daily ride or die buddies. My sneakers are like a tribe of their own. I rely on my sneakers just like we rely on our best friends word of… Continue reading SPRING SNEAKER TALK

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Report Cards

I was not a stellar stand-out superior student.  The last time my report card had a sea of A's, was in elementary school.  But before all of you brainiacs label me dumb please keep reading. I honorably held a strong A-B, with the occasional C in math, sort of report card.  And...unlike most of my… Continue reading Report Cards

Bringing Sweaty Back

Set RESOLUTION but now experiencing severe to moderate anxiety!

First week of January in the books...How did it go? I hope you didn't do what I think you did?!?! Don't do it! Don't do it! Whatever you do...DO NOT set your pretty little self up for shame and disappointment. If you are contemplating weight loss or living a more active lifestyle for your beautiful… Continue reading Set RESOLUTION but now experiencing severe to moderate anxiety!

Bringing Sweaty Back


Prepare now. Do your due diligence to prevent the post holiday blubber regret.   Typically the day after Thanksgiving is a shocker. You wake up feeling bloated and guilty! Reality kicks in. You suddenly realize that Christmas is four weeks away which means five weeks until New Year's Day! Honey, we need to get excited about… Continue reading HOLIDAY DUE DILIGENCE

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Do you have FOWO?  Pronounced like FOMO but sounds like FO-WHOA! FEAR OF WORKING OUT! It's a thing. I know for certain that gym environments can be intimidating.  More than ever before, thanks to the pandemic, people are freaked out. Germ awareness only heightens the fear and skewing self awareness. The gym machines, the sweaty… Continue reading FOWO

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

Terra Core it up!

From the second I laid eyes on Terra Core it was love at first sight.  Almost like a supernatural connection of fast friends.  Since the official introduction on Friday, it's been hard to keep my hands, feet, and quite honestly all other major body parts away from it.  We have become inseparable which is why it's high… Continue reading Terra Core it up!

Bringing Sweaty Back

Routine or Rut – you choose!

Never have we experienced times such as these.  The whole world has been cattyampus since March. As we gradually take baby steps toward a new normal, never has there been a better time to start a routine.  "Anything is a hassle before it becomes a habit" ~ Angi Abercrombie  Girl it's time to climb!  Climb… Continue reading Routine or Rut – you choose!

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials

Shin Bang

Walking in a winter wonderland is one thing.  Snow skiing on a wintery mountainside is another! Please read, follow and shop along my small  "SNOW WOE" tale with a happy ending. ***IF YOU ARE ONLY HERE for the designer shoe sale and shopping links, scroll down!!  (also see Amazon hot deals) Have you ever heard… Continue reading Shin Bang

Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday


Redundant is such a fun word to say.  My lips like the way it rolls off of the tongue and bounces around ending with a sharp T. I also very much appreciate the meaning. Enough is enough! Superfluous banter is overrated! Unless you are a mother, parent, educator, coach, or personal trainer! This is my… Continue reading Redundancy