Muscles and Mascara, Tid Bit Tuesday

You can’t flow it down

A girly girl POST!  Click the link below for a light hearted perspective on this dandy time of the month.  ⇓⇓ Source: You can't flow it down.   Flow-ride along as I discuss the hormonal hunger issues and the good cop bad cop ovary battle. You will laugh and who knows, you just might learn… Continue reading You can’t flow it down

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

You can’t flow it down

The female flow is an repetitive encumbrance that we women folk must face. It comes and it goes without a choice. Every girl has committed the precise whereabouts to memory when dear mother nature said, "hello."  For me, it was middle school, 7th grade, choir class.  Once she greets you, she's with you for the… Continue reading You can’t flow it down