Bringing Sweaty Back


Are you up for some dynamic dinner  or table conversation? Have you ever wondered what exactly it is about someone that you really really adore or really really can't stand or that you can't quite figure out?  Well who knew that the answer could lie in a simple dinner topic.  All you need to do… Continue reading JUST BEET IT!

Muscles and Mascara

Voices Carry

There is an unurmountable amount of voices in modern culture. So many people talking and sharing.  By my calculations this is "A LOTTA" lot of voices floating around in your sphere. This is the decade we are living in...everyone has someone to influence or to be influenced by. I have a lot of outside's… Continue reading Voices Carry

Muscles and Mascara

Now what?

You have kicked the unhealthy habit(s) to the curb! You hit a stride and found a comfortable routine.  You know the drill and you are keeping to your uncompromising promise to exercise at least twice a week.  Food choices, by comparison, are lights out better than ever.  Gone are the days of binge eating or… Continue reading Now what?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Once in a life time

We had a wonderful whirl wind weekend in San Diego. It's taken me a week to re-center and get back to reality. I was on a patriotic high due to our great nation and those who dedicate their lives and careers serving the United States of America. As I mentioned, Mr. Chicken Fry received a gracious… Continue reading Once in a life time