Abercrombie FITness training studio, Muscles and Mascara

This is no choke 

Let me clear my throat.  Couch couch...Ahem, hem. Dear ones, have you ever experienced a guttural, offensive, it came out of no where choking episode?  Say you swallowed water or for gosh sakes, took a deep inhale down the wrong pipe and the result was a near death experience?!  It's for real, it's no joke… Continue reading This is no choke 

Bringing Sweaty Back


Anyone ever fallen on or off of a treadmill? Despite the external warranted physical pain, the public humiliation factor is treadful!   Years before You Tube and social media, I jumped off a treadmill at the local YMCA to greet and hug an old friend. In my excitement I failed to hit pause or stop… Continue reading Treadful