Bringing Sweaty Back

Over Eatery

Over eating is a tough touchy subject. It's uncomfortable. Exposing an area of weakness is unnatural and therefore awkward. Unfortunately, over eating exposes itself.  It's hard to hide. It's hard to hide because over eating causes multiple internal and external issues including a morphed soft blob of a body further leading to mental and physical struggles.… Continue reading Over Eatery

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Muscles and Mascara

This is no choke 

Let me clear my throat.  Couch couch...Ahem, hem. Dear ones, have you ever experienced a guttural, offensive, it came out of no where choking episode?  Say you swallowed water or for gosh sakes, took a deep inhale down the wrong pipe and the result was a near death experience?!  It's for real, it's no joke… Continue reading This is no choke 

Bringing Sweaty Back


Anyone ever fallen on or off of a treadmill? Despite the external warranted physical pain, the public humiliation factor is treadful!   Years before You Tube and social media, I jumped off a treadmill at the local YMCA to greet and hug an old friend. In my excitement I failed to hit pause or stop… Continue reading Treadful