Bringing Sweaty Back

Take me back to Telluride

Take seat! Grab a hot tea, cup of coffee or glass of wine and nestle in by the fire for my Telluride tell all.  It's going to be a senic treat I assure you. Not to mention home of the Coors Light blue mountains...the only beer Mr. Chicken FRY DRINKS!! (we should own stock) The… Continue reading Take me back to Telluride

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

Florida ramblings

After a full Christmas eve and Christmas morning, me, Mr, Chicken Fry and the teen queen didn't exactly settle in for a long Winter's nap.  Nope, instead we attempted to kill ourselves so we could hurry up and get somewhere we could rest!  lol  Instead of cozy nestling by firelight and gazing at our Christmas… Continue reading Florida ramblings