Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Football fanatics beware...SUPERBOWL 57 is near. This is always my favorite instant replay time of the year when I softly remind Mr. Chicken Fry that he is OLDER than the Super Bowl.  An ANNUAL sweet little fun fact that I sarcastically deliver with a whisper. I knowingly married a man who was actually alive on the… Continue reading SUPERBOWL

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

Florida ramblings

After a full Christmas eve and Christmas morning, me, Mr, Chicken Fry and the teen queen didn't exactly settle in for a long Winter's nap.  Nope, instead we attempted to kill ourselves so we could hurry up and get somewhere we could rest!  lol  Instead of cozy nestling by firelight and gazing at our Christmas… Continue reading Florida ramblings

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Couples Therapy (workout video)

It's been said, that a couple who trains together, stays together!   Right off the bat, I happen know one happy couple who FITs right into this catchy cliche.  Unfortunately, it is NOT me and Mr. Chicken Fry! :(( Meet  Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Willis.  This dynamic duo is young, spry and ready for their… Continue reading Couples Therapy (workout video)