Muscles and Mascara

Pull up or Sush up!

Ladies and gentlemen, It's time to pull up or sush up! I humbly admit that Pull - ups are CRAZY hard! Unless you have been kissed by the INCREDIBLE HULK or you were born with freakishly super human upper body strength, the art of a free body pull up just isn't natural. Not for me… Continue reading Pull up or Sush up!

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

Florida ramblings

After a full Christmas eve and Christmas morning, me, Mr, Chicken Fry and the teen queen didn't exactly settle in for a long Winter's nap.  Nope, instead we attempted to kill ourselves so we could hurry up and get somewhere we could rest!  lol  Instead of cozy nestling by firelight and gazing at our Christmas… Continue reading Florida ramblings