Bringing Sweaty Back, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales)

Swimsuit season 2023

I know I know...swimsuit season is upon us. Ladies, let's think positive...shall we. Let's think enhance instead of cover up! f you are shapely, enhance the shapely-ness. If you are buxom, show it off. If you are chasing kids at the pool or waterpark do it without worry. I have picked quality suits that should… Continue reading Swimsuit season 2023

Bringing Sweaty Back

Cabo 2.0

Follow me for another stamp in you passport! Last month Mr. Chicken Fry and I took a 5 day vaca, a Cabo reboot, for some rest and relaxation. The goal was to get a more in depth taste and feel of "CABO". The discovery was a success and there is much to see and plenty… Continue reading Cabo 2.0

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara, Travel

Lake Tahoe

Happy Birthday to my Mr. Chicken Fry. He's the most energetic, charismatic man on the planet! He planned a quick "long weekend" get away to the all too cool Lake Tahoe. It was our first time to visit the lake in its natural glory! The air was crisp.  The sunshine was strong and warm as… Continue reading Lake Tahoe


But we just got here!

The title of this post was originally..."Bahamas...know before you go!" It was mainly going to be a tell all of the tales on how to get to the Bahamas! SKIRT!!! But...after three hours of landing in Spanish Wells, a small island next to Eleuthera, the Prime Minister announced that all US flights to the Bahamas… Continue reading But we just got here!

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio

Bye Bye Shin Bang

Have you ever suffered from severe shin pain, shin swelling and/or shin bruising from snow skiing? GIRL I feel ya! Shin Bang  has been a real problem for me for way too many years. HOWever, with a few quick affordable tips, shin bang can be corrected and managed for life!  FOREVER!  THE END, bye bye… Continue reading Bye Bye Shin Bang

Bringing Sweaty Back

Have friends will travel

Traveling with friends can be risky move! It's only my opinion but I think it takes a special kind of chemistry to travel with friends, and all of the little ones and teenagers in tow! But, thanks to Mr. Chicken Fry and his 27 year friendship with these guys...our family vacation hit the MARK! Once upon… Continue reading Have friends will travel


Abercrombies Abroad

Another Summer adventure awaits! The Abercrombie's are traveling abroad and bound for the Caymans. I'm so humbled and beyond grateful for the opportunity to jet set and visit new countries. Traveling is one of my greatest passions.  I take it very seriously and never with out a ton of gratitude. Mr. Chicken Fry has skillfully… Continue reading Abercrombies Abroad

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

The Exumas

Beach and ocean lovers of the world, may I have your attention please. Travel vicariously for a minute with me to a small chain of islands South of the Bahamas, aka the Exuma Cay's (pronounced keys) or the Exumas. Prepared to be water WOWED! The Exuma's offer the most scenic ocean topography in the WORLD… Continue reading The Exumas

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

Florida ramblings

After a full Christmas eve and Christmas morning, me, Mr, Chicken Fry and the teen queen didn't exactly settle in for a long Winter's nap.  Nope, instead we attempted to kill ourselves so we could hurry up and get somewhere we could rest!  lol  Instead of cozy nestling by firelight and gazing at our Christmas… Continue reading Florida ramblings

Bringing Sweaty Back

Opal Sands in Clearwater, Florida

Per usual, Mr. Chicken Fry gets another win in the vacation husband and dad of the year award.  His travel savvy is always on point. He's the master finesse of fun! Chicken Fry randomly found us a warm gulf coast beach resort near Tampa to end our Florida staycation.  I thought it was a grandiose kick… Continue reading Opal Sands in Clearwater, Florida