I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Stuffed Poblano Peppers – healthy home cooking

Stepping way out of my box and into poblano peppers! Y'all know that I don't necessarily "cook". It's not my true love language but something came over me yesterday and I had to have it. What started as light bar banter chit chat the night before was stuck in my head and I had to… Continue reading Stuffed Poblano Peppers – healthy home cooking

Bringing Sweaty Back

White Chicken Chili

The following low carb recipe is not only easy but it's also a low-fat Abercrombie and FITness approved recipe. While I can't take credit for this tasty warm delightful dish, I can boast that I put my own personal spin on it. It's a hybrid between bean soup and hearty chili. Speaking of hybrid -… Continue reading White Chicken Chili