I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Stuffed Poblano Peppers – healthy home cooking

Stepping way out of my box and into poblano peppers! Y'all know that I don't necessarily "cook". It's not my true love language but something came over me yesterday and I had to have it. What started as light bar banter chit chat the night before was stuck in my head and I had to… Continue reading Stuffed Poblano Peppers – healthy home cooking

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, I don't cook

Chipotle chicken salad

The heat is still sweltering hot and I thought y'all could use another cool summer meal. This one will take you through the Texas September warm weather and is a Labor Day weekend hit. Yesterday I concocted another version of my original LITE CHICKEN SALAD. Like my infamous lite chicken salad, this too is bold… Continue reading Chipotle chicken salad

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos


May is a derivative of mayhem. It's got to be! There is barely time to breathe in this fast and furious month. No one warned me but it's true. From the day your child starts elementary and until they leave your home as an actual adult, all bets are off in May! It's madness. It's… Continue reading MAYhem