Bringing Sweaty Back

Tell Em Charlie Sent Ya

Remember StarKist Charlie? The blue and white fish with the glasses and red hat!? He's my main man! I have always been a huge fan of the tuna can.Is it just me or was tuna like a happening dish and kind of a big deal in the 70's and early 80's? I recall TUNA being served… Continue reading Tell Em Charlie Sent Ya

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Below 40

Happy hump day homies. Don't be alarmed, this is not a whiney post about the fickle wet Texas weather. Better yet, this is invitation to below 40, a fairly new phenomenal poke place.  Click the link below to take a peek.  Below 40 Below 40 is a small chain of poke houses with 3 locations… Continue reading Below 40