Bringing Sweaty Back


Weight training IS THE FASTEST WAY TO LEAN OUT! Hello FITness friends it's been a hot minute since I have been in your face with the FITness buzz! Today, I come bearing truth and good news! Y'all ready for this? NO matter how young or mature you can lean out and build muscle! You… Continue reading LEAN OUT AT ANY AGE!

Bringing Sweaty Back

Tell Em Charlie Sent Ya

Remember StarKist Charlie? The blue and white fish with the glasses and red hat!? He's my main man! I have always been a huge fan of the tuna can.Is it just me or was tuna like a happening dish and kind of a big deal in the 70's and early 80's? I recall TUNA being served… Continue reading Tell Em Charlie Sent Ya

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Is determination enough? (give away)

Unfortunately the answer is, "no, no it isn't." If you are determined to lose weight, I'm proud of you.  This is a great place to be and a good place to start but this it isn't enough to get you to the goal line. ****If you are here about the FREE GIVEAWAY, scorll down to… Continue reading Is determination enough? (give away)

Bringing Sweaty Back

Why lose weight anyway?

Why live a healthy lifestyle anyway?  What's in it for me you might ask. Don't you want to feel better? Why lose the the weight...BECAUSE.... You've tried to lose weight before without proper encouragement and training but  you have been unsuccessful. You've tried to moderate and portion control. You've tried all the fad diets and… Continue reading Why lose weight anyway?

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Value Meal

The difference between you and me could be our opinion on a VALUE MEAL! If you think that $2 , two for one tacos at Jack in the Box is a value meal, just stop right here! Does this qualify as a value to you? I mean look at the grease!?!?  Is that even real… Continue reading Value Meal

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook


You've branded your brain with the cold hard fact that junk food makes you uncomfortable in your clothes and adds unnecessary weight to your frame. With authority, you've spoken truth into your life and accepted that cheese is death.  If you eat cheese you will die!!!! (lol) You've been working your meal plan and eating clean as a whistle for… Continue reading CHEAT WAVE

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

When all else fails, FAKE IT!

Stop stop, its not what your thinking...GEEZ!  Ok its true, I don't cook.  I mean I do, but I don't.  Suffice it to say, I don't cook well, I FAKE IT.  I don't cook mainly because I don't enjoy it and like many of you know, I'm married to Mr. Chicken Fried Steak and I can't… Continue reading When all else fails, FAKE IT!