Bringing Sweaty Back


How is everyone doing this last day in January.  Can you believe it’s almost FEBRUARY?

Last year I was challenged by a friend and workout warrior to participate in a “one word for the year” challenge.  With fierce eagerness, I tackled this word like I had a tiger in my tank.  I fell in love with the idea and was in it to win it.


This powerful word served as a steady reminder to get outside of myself.  For 12 straight months because I chose this word, I situationaly forced myself out of the narrow parameters that had become my comfort zone. EVOLVE helped me to embrace invitations for public speaking engagements and introducing new people into my friend group. I willed my spirit in a supernatural sense to say yes to things that were outside of my wheelhouse. I became way more intentional at parties or large gatherings in that I challenged myself to make it a point to talk with strangers or folks I didn’t know well. Turns out it’s most interesting to get beyond the mind numbing chit-chat and actually learn something about a total stranger.

My word seemed to present itself everywhere.  I was challenged to evolve/grow my small virtual on-line training business and made significant format changes in my group training classes.  EVOLVE was a word that pushed me to delve deeper into the word expanding my FAITH and relationship with Jesus Christ.   In retrospect I did a bang up job if I do say so myself.  I was cool to be constantly mindful.

This go around was a hard pick. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to change my word.  But this isn’t how you grow. Nor is it easy to grow or change in the Winter.  What a cold dreary hard time to get started on anything much less your (one word resolution). Why on earth didn’t our forefathers have the blessed sense to start the new year in the Spring time? Give people a chance to thaw from the frigid cold temperatures before diving into yet another new year.   

In any case, I deliberately chose EXIT as my word for 2019.  This useful four letter word was incidentally inspired via my friend Belle from Tired of Thinking About Drinking.  

Belle’s hubby (Mr. Belle) is an artist.  A few months back it seems she began showcasing his art work in some of her emails/ blog posts.  Colorful abstract art often labeled with the word EXIT.  Click here > Original ART  to see more of his unique creations.  Most of his work is acrylic and ink on paper and is for sale.


EXIT?!  Sounds a bit harsh for a New Years resolution word right?

It all depends on the perspective.

EXIT, as in departure, leave, go, walk away.

I’m in much need of rehearsing an EXIT strategy and knowing when enough is enough.  Sort of like…you got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run…

Drawing boundaries has never been my strong suit in business or in relationships.  I’m hoping this word will challenge me to gain acute awareness of master manipulation tactics.  EXIT will help me narrow the playing field in that I don’t take on too much EXTRA. Extra work, extra drama, extra shame, extra stress, extra ideas that don’t serve a positive purpose in my life.  EXIT will hopefully remind me to back off or back away.

EXIT (for me) will also be like a good purge. Learning to walk away and let it go.  Get rid of the fluff.  From bathroom products that accumulate to closet and drawer junk…show these items the EXIT door.

Exit in a sense will hopefully serve as a subconscious memo to LISTEN.  A lesson in learning to exit a combative conversation by listening and not participating in argumentative conversations.  Exit..keep quiet and shush up!  Exit, take the high road!

If you’re looking for a mantra or word for 2019…here are a few that are on the board in the gym.  Most all of my workout warriors are also on the word bandwagon.  Other words on the board are: And remember these words don’t necessarily need to be FITness or health related.  More like a lifestyle word.











NO Fear

Secondly…this is your word!  You can keep it quite or share it with everyone.  This is about personal growth…EXPANSION and stretching yourself.  An inspiration to keep from becoming passive or complacent.  Whatever word you find…it is my hope that you take it to heart.  Work it like a high paying job.

Write your word on a post it note and put in on your bathroom mirror or on the edge of your computer screen so you can see it.  Maybe set a daily reminder morning, mid day and night…the reminder will only be the one word.  Meditate on it.  Stick it in your car.  Look for ways to incorporate that practice or adjective or verb into your daily life.  Stretch yourself and make it a habit.

If you find yourself aggravated or frustrated to even find your perfect word perhaps simplify.  Maybe the word simplify is ALL you need.  Don’t over complicate it.  Maybe it’s patience.  Maybe you need to cut your self or others in your life some slack in which case forgiveness would be an appropriate fit.

Don’t freak out.  This is a self paced 12 month practice on the honor system. It’s all you honey buns!

I can tell you right now, I wish I could EXIT and leave Winter altogether.  But since I can’t I will encourage myself to exit the negative cold talk and bundle up anyway.  Layer up, turn up the heat and grin and bear it.

I have muted the anti cooking Angi and opened my mind to cooking and serving new hearty warm meals for my family. I took the EXIT off of the “I can’t cook” street to “I can at least attempt a few meals a week.”

57050228932__26b52384-4a99-49af-93b7-d801ff110d46Last night I made homemade tortilla soup. Abercrombie and FITness approved. It’s low fat, high protein and plenty of vegetables…

Chicken broth

Green onion

Rotel with green chili’s or stewed tomatoes



sweet peppers


(Black Bean’s optional)



Shredded chicken (add more)

I served with avocado and substituted veggie straws for tortilla strips.  This was an easy EXIT but didn’t sacrifice the crunch.


Do you have an extra special word to add to this list?  I’d love to hear from you.

Love, learn, grow…reap what you sow.

Angi xo

Speaking of habits…my new and improved meal plan and FIT tips is sold separately.  Click and find it below.

Meal Plan & FIT Tips

This packet of information is a real meal ticket to weight loss and healthy living. Contained is detailed info on protein bars, protein shakes, what and what not to eat, tips on how to order healthy at restuant and more!




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