Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


I have eagerly been anticipating the big announcement....drum roll, please. The fine folks at TerraCore have asked me to participate in a giveaway. I'm beaming with excitement to gift someone my very favorite piece of workout equipment on planet earth! GIVE AWAY DETAILS AND HOW TO ENTER - SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM From the second… Continue reading TERRACORE GIVEAWAY – AUGUST 1

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Spring Ski Warm up

Yesterday I opened up about my "altitude" struggle and chronicled a tid bit about our family spring break road trip to Breckenridge, Colorado. What I'm sharing today is the precursor to the actual skiing activity.  The warm up if you will! In my professional opnion it is not wise or recommended that one would "spring… Continue reading Spring Ski Warm up