Bringing Sweaty Back


MY TOP FITNESS FAVS! These are my go to FITness picks for Christmas. Stability training, heart pounding hard core workouts from your home or a gym. TRX SUSPENSION TRAINER TERRACORE TRAINER & TERRAGLIDE (<live links to the products) ABDOLLY I have been using the ab dolly for years. It's perfect… Continue reading FITness & CHRISTMAS

Bringing Sweaty Back


If my sneakers could talk they would have a smorgasbord to brag about! Mainly our. relationship. Me and my sneaks are friends. They are like my daily ride or die buddies. My sneakers are like a tribe of their own. I rely on my sneakers just like we rely on our best friends word of… Continue reading SPRING SNEAKER TALK

Bringing Sweaty Back


This compact piece of equipment is operational for home, gym, outdoor or hotel travel workouts. It’s light weight but sturdy for high impact high intensity interval training. My newest FITness obsession is the TerraGlide. A four wheeled wicked cool balance and core trainer. It’s core- iffic! At any time pop the wheels out lock them… Continue reading TerraGlide

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


I have eagerly been anticipating the big announcement....drum roll, please. The fine folks at TerraCore have asked me to participate in a giveaway. I'm beaming with excitement to gift someone my very favorite piece of workout equipment on planet earth! GIVE AWAY DETAILS AND HOW TO ENTER - SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM From the second… Continue reading TERRACORE GIVEAWAY – AUGUST 1

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

Terra Core it up!

From the second I laid eyes on Terra Core it was love at first sight.  Almost like a supernatural connection of fast friends.  Since the official introduction on Friday, it's been hard to keep my hands, feet, and quite honestly all other major body parts away from it.  We have become inseparable which is why it's high… Continue reading Terra Core it up!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

evolution of a push up

The push up is one of many age-old classic exercises that will never go out of style.  It is an introductory move and often used as a base line to test ones level of strength. When I first started my own FITness journey, back when I was skinny/fat, Are you a slave to the scale??  I could… Continue reading evolution of a push up

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Metabolism Monday

Workout of the week 

As promised here are the best of the best from last week's workout series. The loyal workout warriors were so super bummed!  BUMM ba ba BUMMM if ya know what I mean. They were bummed out because their boo-tays hurt so bad...good! Bum, butt, booty, lady lumps, humps, behind, hiney, buttocks, hind end, ass, cheeks,… Continue reading Workout of the week 

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Back FAT be gone! 

You strap on your bra and accidentally catch a glance of your back in the mirror.  Your head jerks around for a reactive double take and you see it again. With a heavy sigh followed by shame and disgust it is officially confirmed. The thick roll of skin squishing out from under or above your… Continue reading Back FAT be gone!