Bringing Sweaty Back, Travel

Pandemic Vaca FIT or FAT?

Are we going anywhere for Summer vacation?  A million dollar question that millions of Americans are asking themselves.  Like you, we too are are itching for a get away.  Not to mention that we have been quarantined for what seems like two decades now. Where are you headed?  Perhaps a low-key private Bahamian bungalow beach house?… Continue reading Pandemic Vaca FIT or FAT?

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back

Balls to the wall

It's Friday which in home sheltering/quarantine mode doesn't mean as much as it once did!  But I still like the sound of it!   The world slowed down a little bit.  We're not all out running and gunning living life "balls to the wall" but it sure isn't going to slow my roll on the FITness… Continue reading Balls to the wall

Bringing Sweaty Back


In light of my upcoming (47th) birthday I want to gift you with a passing of the torch so to speak.  I'm gifting you with my favorite timed workout in the whole wide world.  I'm passing the tabata torch to you! For those of you who are new to TABATA, here is a tutorial of… Continue reading TABATA BING TABATA BOOM BIRTHDAY

Bringing Sweaty Back

Side walk chalk not just for kids

This covid-29 quaranine has forced even the most uncreative creatures to think outside of the box. However, this little diddy is nothing new.To see the full list of the ABERCROMBIE AND FITNESS APPROVED FITness goodies check out my new AMAZON STORE FRONT HERE Abercrombie and FITness Amazon Storefront  My Amazon site is updated frequently so check… Continue reading Side walk chalk not just for kids

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back

March Madness got you bugging?

The world is in March madness. This VIRUS is trying to close exercise!  HUH NO, over my dead body. Big box gyms have been ordered for a (TEMPORARY) shut down and while I understand it will help cut down on the spread of the virus, PEOPLE NEED THEIR EXERCISE. As of right now Abercrombie and… Continue reading March Madness got you bugging?

FITness Videos

Sports Conditioning

Are you on Christmas overload?  Are you struggling or suffering from Obsessive Christmas Disorder? Are you holiday partied out or ready to shake your groove thing until 2020 rolls around?  Anyone need some tips and guidance for not over indulging at ALL of the fun holiday parties this season?  Check out these former blog posts… Continue reading Sports Conditioning

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

evolution of a push up

The push up is one of many age-old classic exercises that will never go out of style.  It is an introductory move and often used as a base line to test ones level of strength. When I first started my own FITness journey, back when I was skinny/fat, Are you a slave to the scale??  I could… Continue reading evolution of a push up

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


This wasn't exactly an ideal hallmark for an impressionable female teenager. "Well - Rounded" really? The picture above would sure speak to a well rounded head of hairsprayed hair that's for  certain.  But like hairstyles, trends change. Let's remember that I was a prodigy of the 70's, when hippie chic "skinny" girls graced the Copper Tone… Continue reading Well-Rounded

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

November GIVE away!

BE_WARE of the candy buzz because in case you live under a rock, tonight is HALLOWEEN! Trick and treat seekers will be out and about ready for a good scare and a bunch of candy! Halloween If you're an adult, the nostalgia of Halloween's gone by will flood your brain with memories of free candy,  running… Continue reading November GIVE away!

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Metabolism Monday

Workout of the week 

As promised here are the best of the best from last week's workout series. The loyal workout warriors were so super bummed!  BUMM ba ba BUMMM if ya know what I mean. They were bummed out because their boo-tays hurt so bad...good! Bum, butt, booty, lady lumps, humps, behind, hiney, buttocks, hind end, ass, cheeks,… Continue reading Workout of the week