Muscles and Mascara, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales), Travel

Boredom breeds browsing

It's been exactly 15 days since I tested positive for COVID-19.  That's 15 days of full blown boredom browsing!  I found myself surfing the internet from the confines of my media recliner. There was nothing to do but BROWSE and BUY! Why not make good use of the down time and give my active wear… Continue reading Boredom breeds browsing

Bringing Sweaty Back

Once in a life time

We had a wonderful whirl wind weekend in San Diego. It's taken me a week to re-center and get back to reality. I was on a patriotic high due to our great nation and those who dedicate their lives and careers serving the United States of America. As I mentioned, Mr. Chicken Fry received a gracious… Continue reading Once in a life time

Bringing Sweaty Back

Travel Babble

Today it's wheels up! pic by wanderapolis Another Abercrombie adventure with my main squeeze Mr. Chicken Fry. We are off to sunny San Diego, California for what I deem a once in a life time opportunity. Now, please know upfront that I'm a red blooded patirotic nerd so when Mr. Chicken Fry told me that… Continue reading Travel Babble