Bringing Sweaty Back, Travel

Pandemic Vaca FIT or FAT?

Are we going anywhere for Summer vacation?  A million dollar question that millions of Americans are asking themselves.  Like you, we too are are itching for a get away.  Not to mention that we have been quarantined for what seems like two decades now. Where are you headed?  Perhaps a low-key private Bahamian bungalow beach house?… Continue reading Pandemic Vaca FIT or FAT?

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Hello fellow friends.  Welcome to my FAB FIVE FITness gadgets! Introducing the GoBe 2  (click the highlighted link for direct access) Prepare to be amazed!  This Abercrombie and FITness approved go go gadget will really wow you with ALL of the things it can do! What's more, it's on Amazon for under $200.  The price is… Continue reading FAB 5 FITness GADGETS

Bringing Sweaty Back

Once in a life time

We had a wonderful whirl wind weekend in San Diego. It's taken me a week to re-center and get back to reality. I was on a patriotic high due to our great nation and those who dedicate their lives and careers serving the United States of America. As I mentioned, Mr. Chicken Fry received a gracious… Continue reading Once in a life time

Bringing Sweaty Back

Start spreading the news

Ladies and gents the count down is on!  Only four whole days before the long awaited precious Christmas Day! Are you scurrying around like a squirrel shopping from store to store in search of that one unique perfect price point best gift ever? Are you a smart on line shopper with all of your ducks… Continue reading Start spreading the news

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Hello Tuesday and mid August. Does anyone else feel like the Summer zoomed by? I have another Tid-bit Tueaday for ya! Since I'm basically being forced into the whole back to school routine I want to discuss it and how it relates to working out. How you can make training work for you. As a… Continue reading 5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Bringing Sweaty Back

Orange Beach Tell All

They say there is no place like home...but Orange Beach, Alabama gets pretty darn close. Also known as, Disney World, Orange Beach is the greatest family friendly coastal adventure in the United States. It's booming like crazy and I'm a tad conflicted about sharing this precious home away from home truthful tell all but hey,… Continue reading Orange Beach Tell All

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos


May is a derivative of mayhem. It's got to be! There is barely time to breathe in this fast and furious month. No one warned me but it's true. From the day your child starts elementary and until they leave your home as an actual adult, all bets are off in May! It's madness. It's… Continue reading MAYhem

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

New year: New outlook on life

Here is a sobering question to ponder, how much time do you have to live? It's an introspective eye-opening question right? It might even make you a tid bituncomfortable because realistically you don't know the answer!! Know one knows the answer! Whether you have just been given a clean bill of health or diagnosed with… Continue reading New year: New outlook on life

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Best of 2017: Tabata workout #4

I'm a big fan of TABATA timed workouts.  It's high energy and you don't have to count reps!!!!  Tabata is alotta movements in 4 minutes time. It's fast.  Eight exercises in 4 minutes is no joke.  Each movement is timed over 20 second intervals with 10 second rest periods. This was one of the best  hardest… Continue reading Best of 2017: Tabata workout #4

Bringing Sweaty Back

FITness Fetish

Do you ever feel like you're suffocating from all of the STUFF? Sometimes I look around my house and feel like a hostage.  I'm surrounded by too much clutter, not to be confused for my admitted furniture fetish.  I'm addicted to sue me! My Mr. Chicken Fry  has a big time FOOT fetish.  He… Continue reading FITness Fetish