Bringing Sweaty Back

Gluten Free or Gullible?

Are you a gullible magnet for practical jokes? Do you fall for everything? For years, with an exclamation point, I fell for just about every single prank or dumb joke that Mr. Chicken Fry's colorful friends threw my way. I was an oblivious fresh target for all of their 30 something frat boy banter. It's… Continue reading Gluten Free or Gullible?

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara


One of the country's most threatening issues is the growing APPETIZER epidemic! Appetizers are totally out of control and proportion.  Holy smokes,  I'm not even kidding right now and please don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about. If you have been to a restaurant in the past four weeks you… Continue reading Appetizer