Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Bringing Sweaty Back

Gluten Free or Gullible?

Are you a gullible magnet for practical jokes? Do you fall for everything? For years, with an exclamation point, I fell for just about every single prank or dumb joke that Mr. Chicken Fry's colorful friends threw my way. I was an oblivious fresh target for all of their 30 something frat boy banter. It's… Continue reading Gluten Free or Gullible?

Muscles and Mascara


Last week I had a routine mammogram. It was time to check the "tatas" and do my female due diligence. I drove to Plano to a new diagnostic radiology clinic and by the time I was finished, I was starving to death. Hangry is more like it. I was looking around trying to find a decent… Continue reading Spoiled