Bringing Sweaty Back

The Art of Stocking Up

Not ALL vacations are hotel worthy. The travel industry turned upside down when VRBO and Air B&B came on the scene. These agencies bonded travelers to easy online access to RENTAL properties all across the globe. There has been a massive uptick in vacation home rentals for travelers here and abroad.  The high demand for… Continue reading The Art of Stocking Up

I don't cook

Opps..I burned it again!

This was not my first fist fight with the edamame.   Fortunately, I have years of experience scortching one of my favorite green soy bean snacks. By scorthcing I infatically mean burning the food past the point of edible. But yes, oops I did it sue me! Years ago, while hosting one of my infamous… Continue reading Opps..I burned it again!

Bringing Sweaty Back

Pep up the popcorn pep up the popcorn

I'm a pizzazz kind of girl.  I add a little extra extra to almost everything.  From outfits to  meals, I like to jazz life up with a hint of sparkle, spice, a dash of sweet and all that is in bewteen. Last weekend I had a classic case of the munchies.  I was jonesing for… Continue reading Pep up the popcorn pep up the popcorn

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Foolish Foods

Navigating a new healthy eating regimen can be difficult.  There is a ton of tom foolery in marketing "healthy foods."  These healthy spin tactics are designed to keep a fat rat on the wheel spinning into a  never ending frenzy. I want to move you off of the wheel and away from the maddening maze… Continue reading Foolish Foods

Bringing Sweaty Back

Junk food

In my wonderings, I often gaze out in the sky and imagine what it would be like to have a sit down and interview the CEO or founders of Little Debbie snack foods, Hostess or Nabisco. Like what even could be their premier mission statement? Would it be..."To sell sweet treats that make people happy"… Continue reading Junk food

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Vacation Essentials re-visited

Jumping June bugs, it's almost the 4th of July!  Many of you much cooler kids have already made your way out-of-town.  You've stretched your legs on a sandy beach,  taken photos in an Italian landscape, watched a Hawaiian sunset of six, hiked a mountain in Colorado or traveled abroad for a frosty shot of vodka… Continue reading Vacation Essentials re-visited

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Metabolism Monday

Lite Chicken Salad

I'm sooo over it. Tell me you are too! I'm so worn on winter foods.  I'm tired of preparing the same o'le stuff.  It doesn't feel very Spring like in Texas and my taste buds are hankering for some fresh Spring-ish foods. Activation imagination. I had to pretend yesterday that it was 80 degrees outside… Continue reading Lite Chicken Salad

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara


One of the country's most threatening issues is the growing APPETIZER epidemic! Appetizers are totally out of control and proportion.  Holy smokes,  I'm not even kidding right now and please don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about. If you have been to a restaurant in the past four weeks you… Continue reading Appetizer

I don't cook

Mindful Grubbing 

Today I'm held captive to staccato laughter and must begin with small side bar.  I was derailed from naming this blog post Mindful Munching because something in my goofy spirit and my girly snickering just couldn't allow it. I literally couldn't even write the first few sentences without COL, cackling out loud.  (take that teenagers)  I kept typing… Continue reading Mindful Grubbing