Bringing Sweaty Back

But _____ won’t eat healthy with me!

My spouse, my kids, my roommate, my bestie will NOT eat healthy. How are you suppose to clean up your diet when those around you eat like crap? YOU DO YOU! DO YOU BOO! No one is holding you hostage and force feeding you SNICKERDOODLE COOKIES. Those friends, family, or co-workers who choose to inhale… Continue reading But _____ won’t eat healthy with me!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday

Just because

Do what is best for yourself. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you need or should follow suit. Do what is best for YOU!  Just because other people are doing certain things doesn't mean that you have to join along. Some people inhale cheese and greasy french fries but that doesn't mean you… Continue reading Just because

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara


One of the country's most threatening issues is the growing APPETIZER epidemic! Appetizers are totally out of control and proportion.  Holy smokes,  I'm not even kidding right now and please don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about. If you have been to a restaurant in the past four weeks you… Continue reading Appetizer

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

The struggle is REAL…

The worst thing imaginable to a blogger is accidentally deleting all of your beautifully scripted words.  The struggle is real.  Y'all, I had been writing this post since Saturday.  Yesterday morning it was finished. Complete!  It had been formatted, highlighted, spell checked and all of the links were plugged in.  All I had left to… Continue reading The struggle is REAL…

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Steadfast FITness

When you're committed to a FIT lifestyle the heart beats in a new rhythm.  A steadfast heart is a heart that will not, under any circumstance, fall away from FITness.  This is not to be confused with a now and again cheat meal. ♥ Regardless of the uncertain uproar going on, no matter how much pressure… Continue reading Steadfast FITness

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Welcome to my SPOUSE

Seriously, y'all, I married a freak of nature!  It's bizarre! My hubby, aka Mr. Chicken Fry, is certainly not known around town for his muscle-bound physique or healthy eating choices. If anything, he is most known for, aside from being married to yours truly, is his strange inherent ability to maintain a lean body even at… Continue reading Welcome to my SPOUSE

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

In a world…

I hope you're holding up your end of the bargain and using my NEVER CHEAT AGAIN tools. If you didn't catch it...please check it out. Never Cheat Again (part 1 of 3), Never Cheat Again (part 2 of 3), Never Cheat Again (part 3 of 3). Basically, I hold your hand and walk you through a step… Continue reading In a world…

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Never Cheat Again (part 2 of 3)

Your mind is made up!! (HIGH FIVE) You're done caving in to temptation.  The next counter punch is to create a STRONG negative association with all of the BAD STUFF!  All of the crappy foods that tempt you time and time again. Get ready because you are about to get all up in temptations grill!   If… Continue reading Never Cheat Again (part 2 of 3)

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Stop…in the name of LOVE

Girl Scout cookies are everywhere!!!  You can't escape it unless you live and/or work in some obscure deep dark deserted hole under the earth.  So unless you're a coal miner on an undercover sting operation, you are suspect to all of the Valentine treats scattered at every turn.  Pink and red are literally every where...candy… Continue reading Stop…in the name of LOVE