Bringing Sweaty Back

Turkey Abercrombie FITness Approved

This post is dedicated to my loving father in law Don Abercrombie who generously passed down his traditional turkey recipe.  It is the easiest most flavorful lip smacking turkey in town.  Thank you Don! People flip out at the mere thought of cooking the Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey! There is great fear and pressure to… Continue reading Turkey Abercrombie FITness Approved

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Stocks and Bondy – bone broth

Rise and shine superstars. How was your weekend? I was so thankful that the sun graced us with its glorious face and filled the sky with bright blue skies. I spent much of my weekend outside soaking up the vitamin D! Check out this basic pool side workout consisting of jump squats, curtsy lunges, tricep… Continue reading Stocks and Bondy – bone broth