Bringing Sweaty Back

Apre Ski 2023

Creatures of habit? Perhaps, but there is a valid reason why we keep Telluride on repeat. Christmas vacation 2023, Abercrombie family wound down the year in our favorite mountain spot in Telluride, Colorado. I hesitate to "show and tell" this special vacation retreat because Telluride is literally Colorado's BEST KEPT SECRET! WHY? Because it's not… Continue reading Apre Ski 2023

Bringing Sweaty Back

Intentional 3 month check in

My word for 2023 is INTENTIONAL! At the first of the year, I committed myself to some intentional intentions...if you missed the post, simply click HERE! Now it's report card how am I doing so far? HEALTH: Instead of doing a super sonic juice cleanse, which I'm not a fan of, I decided to… Continue reading Intentional 3 month check in

Bringing Sweaty Back

Why lose weight anyway?

Why live a healthy lifestyle anyway?  What's in it for me you might ask. Don't you want to feel better? Why lose the the weight...BECAUSE.... You've tried to lose weight before without proper encouragement and training but  you have been unsuccessful. You've tried to moderate and portion control. You've tried all the fad diets and… Continue reading Why lose weight anyway?

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Stocks and Bondy – bone broth

Rise and shine superstars. How was your weekend? I was so thankful that the sun graced us with its glorious face and filled the sky with bright blue skies. I spent much of my weekend outside soaking up the vitamin D! Check out this basic pool side workout consisting of jump squats, curtsy lunges, tricep… Continue reading Stocks and Bondy – bone broth

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Health foods that have you fooled

I have never said it was easy. I me...I know that navigating a new healthy eating regimen can be difficult.  For starters it takes making your mind up and follow through...also known as, DICIPLINE. What I do know is this...once you wrap your mind If this isn't already enough, then you are left to blindly feel your… Continue reading Health foods that have you fooled

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Muscles and Mascara


There is nothing attractive about this word or what I'm about to share but I wanted to come clean. I have been a bit off of my blogging regimen due to some unforeseen issues that have put me down in the dumps. When I was in Mexico I apparently contracted some type of intestinal parasite,… Continue reading Parasitic