Bringing Sweaty Back


Prepare now. Do your due diligence to prevent the post holiday blubber regret.   Typically the day after Thanksgiving is a shocker. You wake up feeling bloated and guilty! Reality kicks in. You suddenly realize that Christmas is four weeks away which means five weeks until New Year's Day! Honey, we need to get excited about… Continue reading HOLIDAY DUE DILIGENCE

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Value Meal

The difference between you and me could be our opinion on a VALUE MEAL! If you think that $2 , two for one tacos at Jack in the Box is a value meal, just stop right here! Does this qualify as a value to you? I mean look at the grease!?!?  Is that even real… Continue reading Value Meal

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Stocks and Bondy – bone broth

Rise and shine superstars. How was your weekend? I was so thankful that the sun graced us with its glorious face and filled the sky with bright blue skies. I spent much of my weekend outside soaking up the vitamin D! Check out this basic pool side workout consisting of jump squats, curtsy lunges, tricep… Continue reading Stocks and Bondy – bone broth

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


If you aren't an individual who often runs late, chances are you at least know one or two.  Some people just aren't good at it.  Being on time just isn't in their wheel house. Does this mean they are a SLACKER? If you're methodically time delinquent, you might be experiencing a slightly elevated heart rate… Continue reading SLACKER?

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Bringing Sweaty Back

Road Map

It doesn't begin with a highlighted road map to destruction.  Not at ALL.  Your departure into the depths of stress, fatigue, laundry piled sky high, bills, work and stubborn weight gain was totally random.  At one point you were all IN!  You sold out on the proverbial "road trip" and mapping our your desires for… Continue reading Road Map

FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

Strictly Spontaneous

If I hadn't already named my hubby Mr. Chicken Fry I could easily come up with several other pertinent sarcastic yet fitting titles.  One name that would certainly qualify is Mr. Spontaneous! He's almost spontaneous to a fault.  Put it this way, in 21 years, there has hardly ever been a dull moment.  And on… Continue reading Strictly Spontaneous

Bringing Sweaty Back

FEAR – feeling encouraged and ready

FEAR.  What an ugly word.  I hate it.  CHANGING IT!!!! Feeling Encouraged or Energized (or both)  or EAGER AND Ready to...RUMBLE Feeling encouraged and ready to rock!   Now isn't that better! Fear, before I changed it, is a blood sucking parasite and a hinderance to daily life.  This destructive devil comes around yapping in… Continue reading FEAR – feeling encouraged and ready