The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales), Travel

The FITting Room: transition time!

It's time!  I know it's been a while since I did a try on session but hey...I'm here now! The weather is slowly starting to cool down. Which means, our skin tone changes and we make adjustments to our wardrobe! Hello leggings and capri's! Tis the season for a Lululemon haul! Ladies ...I'm not a… Continue reading The FITting Room: transition time!

Muscles and Mascara

What’s the deal with hotel coffee?

I can remember a time when small coffee pots made their entrance into actual hotel rooms. At the time, mid nineties, I was in my early twenties working my way up the corporate ladder and jetting around the country for business conventions. I hope you think that sounds so adult and cool because at the… Continue reading What’s the deal with hotel coffee?