Muscles and Mascara

What’s the deal with hotel coffee?

I can remember a time when small coffee pots made their entrance into actual hotel rooms. At the time, mid nineties, I was in my early twenties working my way up the corporate ladder and jetting around the country for business conventions. I hope you think that sounds so adult and cool because at the… Continue reading What’s the deal with hotel coffee?

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara

Trainer -Q&A

Summer has finally kicked into that perfect rhythm.  I'm currently somewhere between  ♥LOVING it, CALM, and completely surrendered. I could stay right here for several more months and be so content.  I will be soaking up the next 26 days like a dry sponge. Speaking of soaking things in, I got something for ya!  A… Continue reading Trainer -Q&A

Bringing Sweaty Back


Hello and welcome to King Burger... We got a COMPLICATED ORDER...can't ya just take a coke!! I'm not a huge fan of fast food.  The fast food chains, in most cases, are serving processed foods high in fat and sodium and everything else you can think of.  Fortunately we live in a culture that is… Continue reading FAST FOOD