Bringing Sweaty Back

Bold Beginnings

This post is NOT about coffee!  It's about how to start your day! I operate under the assumption that there are two kinds of morning people, those who are graceful and collected and those who aren't!  Which one are you? Are you one of those smooth morning routine types whose morning mimics a professional pit… Continue reading Bold Beginnings

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


If you aren't an individual who often runs late, chances are you at least know one or two.  Some people just aren't good at it.  Being on time just isn't in their wheel house. Does this mean they are a SLACKER? If you're methodically time delinquent, you might be experiencing a slightly elevated heart rate… Continue reading SLACKER?

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara

Slack Attack

If you aren't an individual who often runs late, chances are you at least know one or two.  Some people just aren't good at it.  Being on time isn't in their wheel house. If you're a methodical time delinquent, you might be experiencing a slightly elevated heart rate right now.  But don't fret, because this… Continue reading Slack Attack

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Steadfast FITness

When you're committed to a FIT lifestyle the heart beats in a new rhythm.  A steadfast heart is a heart that will not, under any circumstance, fall away from FITness.  This is not to be confused with a now and again cheat meal. ♥ Regardless of the uncertain uproar going on, no matter how much pressure… Continue reading Steadfast FITness