Bringing Sweaty Back


Intention is purpose! Intention is something that one hopes or intends to accomplish. My 2023 word for the new year is INTENTIONAL! Former NEW YEAR word post EVOLVE Former NEW YEAR word post DELIBERATE WHAT DOES THAT ME FOR ME? In 2023 I’m going to be more INTENTIONAL with... TIME FINANCES RELATIONSHIPS On a plane… Continue reading INTENTIONAL 2023

Bringing Sweaty Back

Happy Space

Give yourself some space! Meet GYM! Over three decades ago "the gym became my go to Happy Space. Kind of like a happy place! It was in the gym where I found a sense of refuge from the day.  The gym seemed to be a place where I could battle past all that had been… Continue reading Happy Space

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Value Meal

The difference between you and me could be our opinion on a VALUE MEAL! If you think that $2 , two for one tacos at Jack in the Box is a value meal, just stop right here! Does this qualify as a value to you? I mean look at the grease!?!?  Is that even real… Continue reading Value Meal

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


If you aren't an individual who often runs late, chances are you at least know one or two.  Some people just aren't good at it.  Being on time just isn't in their wheel house. Does this mean they are a SLACKER? If you're methodically time delinquent, you might be experiencing a slightly elevated heart rate… Continue reading SLACKER?

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Bringing Sweaty Back

This is 20 years

This time 20 years ago I was a blushing bride awaiting my grande debut. I was hours away from making the long-awaited traditional walk down the white center flowered pedaled aisle with my daddy.  He would be passing the torch so to speak to the one and only Mr. Chicken Fry.  The butterflies and the… Continue reading This is 20 years

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Happening Hamstrings & Weekly Ramblings

Good Morning friends.  How has your week played out? For us, this was the running and gunning get it down and check it off the list week.  Basically it was the appointment week from hell.  Why in the world do I do this to myself?  I'm typically not an over scheduler at all but for… Continue reading Happening Hamstrings & Weekly Ramblings

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Diet Deciet

What's happening?  Friday is here and the week is in the rear-view-window!  Hooray for that. I've got a question? What would you expect of someone who feeds only on fast food?  Someone who devours unhealthy sides filled with sugar and fat. Would you imagine that this person will live a long life?  Do you picture… Continue reading Diet Deciet

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

New year: New outlook on life

Here is a sobering question to ponder, how much time do you have to live? It's an introspective eye-opening question right? It might even make you a tid bituncomfortable because realistically you don't know the answer!! Know one knows the answer! Whether you have just been given a clean bill of health or diagnosed with… Continue reading New year: New outlook on life

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara

Slack Attack

If you aren't an individual who often runs late, chances are you at least know one or two.  Some people just aren't good at it.  Being on time isn't in their wheel house. If you're a methodical time delinquent, you might be experiencing a slightly elevated heart rate right now.  But don't fret, because this… Continue reading Slack Attack