Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Some Like It Sweaty

I'm no stranger to sweat.  I welcome it with open arms.  But lets face one likes the stench of mildew from a laundry hamper, gym bag or teenager...capiche?!?!? As a mom of an active student athlete, I'm all too familiar with the odors that come from sweaty teenagers and adults.   To keep my… Continue reading Some Like It Sweaty

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Do you have FOWO?  Pronounced like FOMO but sounds like FO-WHOA! FEAR OF WORKING OUT! It's a thing. I know for certain that gym environments can be intimidating.  More than ever before, thanks to the pandemic, people are freaked out. Germ awareness only heightens the fear and skewing self awareness. The gym machines, the sweaty… Continue reading FOWO