Bringing Sweaty Back

Fearless Fifties

Peace out 40's! I'm primed and ready to rock and roll the next ten years like a boss! I mean that. Forties were merely a warm up and moderate jog as far as I'm concerned. Fifties...bring it on...I'm ready to run! FEARLESS FIFTIES! Norma Kamali Diana Dress Maybe everyone feels this way? Maybe by the… Continue reading Fearless Fifties

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Do you have FOWO?  Pronounced like FOMO but sounds like FO-WHOA! FEAR OF WORKING OUT! It's a thing. I know for certain that gym environments can be intimidating.  More than ever before, thanks to the pandemic, people are freaked out. Germ awareness only heightens the fear and skewing self awareness. The gym machines, the sweaty… Continue reading FOWO

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Muscles and Mascara

Scale Away

Come scale away, come scale away and throw the scale away! Trust me girl... that scale is NOT your friend.  The scale is more like the rude, back stabbing friend that you tolerate and let back in your life.  The scale represents way to much drama for a girl like you.  The numbers are nothing… Continue reading Scale Away