Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Angi who from the time she was born had blonde curly eyelashes. She grew up knowing that mascara was a lifeline. For decades, Angi swabbed coats and coats of mascara on her lashes daily to compensate for the lackluster blonde lashes and eyebrows that left her… Continue reading A TALE OF TWO LASHES!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Do you have FOWO?  Pronounced like FOMO but sounds like FO-WHOA! FEAR OF WORKING OUT! It's a thing. I know for certain that gym environments can be intimidating.  More than ever before, thanks to the pandemic, people are freaked out. Germ awareness only heightens the fear and skewing self awareness. The gym machines, the sweaty… Continue reading FOWO

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

Terra Core it up!

From the second I laid eyes on Terra Core it was love at first sight.  Almost like a supernatural connection of fast friends.  Since the official introduction on Friday, it's been hard to keep my hands, feet, and quite honestly all other major body parts away from it.  We have become inseparable which is why it's high… Continue reading Terra Core it up!

Bringing Sweaty Back

Why lose weight anyway?

Why live a healthy lifestyle anyway?  What's in it for me you might ask. Don't you want to feel better? Why lose the the weight...BECAUSE.... You've tried to lose weight before without proper encouragement and training but  you have been unsuccessful. You've tried to moderate and portion control. You've tried all the fad diets and… Continue reading Why lose weight anyway?

Muscles and Mascara, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales)

Active wear comparison

I want to get right to business.  I swoon for smart soft active wear.  Hello I practically live in it year around.  More so, I enjoy stretching my dollars and therefore don't mind hunting and pecking for a deal. Y'all me and my family are no strangers to the all heavenly Lululemon.  It's hard not… Continue reading Active wear comparison

Bringing Sweaty Back

The Art of Stocking Up

Not ALL vacations are hotel worthy. The travel industry turned upside down when VRBO and Air B&B came on the scene. These agencies bonded travelers to easy online access to RENTAL properties all across the globe. There has been a massive uptick in vacation home rentals for travelers here and abroad.  The high demand for… Continue reading The Art of Stocking Up

Bringing Sweaty Back

And then there was delivery…

The year ended and began with a giant annoyance. Instead of harboring my irritation, I made several very public announcements via social media.  I was fit to be tied and expressed my bad /sad attitude toward the higher ups at Albertsons for making a HUGE mistake.  Nothing upsets me more than a slight disruption in… Continue reading And then there was delivery…

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back


I know that so many of you have been on the edge of your seat eagerly anticipating  my giveaway announcement.   I mean there is nothing like a fresh new month and the hope of winning.   Without further ado, the lucky winner is... Aubrey Garcia! At this point, I'm not sure if Aubrey, who… Continue reading Announcement

I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Value Meal

The difference between you and me could be our opinion on a VALUE MEAL! If you think that $2 , two for one tacos at Jack in the Box is a value meal, just stop right here! Does this qualify as a value to you? I mean look at the grease!?!?  Is that even real… Continue reading Value Meal

Bringing Sweaty Back

Panty lines

In girl world, pantry lines are a serious crime. Any sign of a crease or outline of an undergarment is a forbidden felony in this day and age. But what's a girl to do in the workout world? Last year this was one of my most frequently asked questions: What kind of panties do you… Continue reading Panty lines