Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

You can THANK me later – Pre-turkey workout & video 

Workout warriors, it's here!  I know you have been anxiously awaiting the PRE- Turkey Burn 2015 workout!  Get off your bum, get out of the kitchen or the bed, get off of the couch, and get a move on.  Grab some weights if you have them.  If you don't it's ok. Don't quit...use your body… Continue reading You can THANK me later – Pre-turkey workout & video