Bringing Sweaty Back


Eight weeks ago we welcomed a new puppy to our family. An 8 week old vizsla we named Tene't (pronounced like Renee). I was not happy about the edition. For all of the reasons an empty nester, clean freak, married to a man that thrives on freedom and spontaneity might not be excited about a… Continue reading RUT-ROW

Bringing Sweaty Back

And then there was delivery…

The year ended and began with a giant annoyance. Instead of harboring my irritation, I made several very public announcements via social media.  I was fit to be tied and expressed my bad /sad attitude toward the higher ups at Albertsons for making a HUGE mistake.  Nothing upsets me more than a slight disruption in… Continue reading And then there was delivery…

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials

Red hot red head: Abercrombie Client Testimonial

NOWELL hear this...I have some sizzling scoop about red heads!     Are you aware that red heads have a much HIGHER pain tolerance than blondes or brunettes? This is apparently a real thing and from my experience as a personal FITness trainer it's not far fetched. Meet Stephanie Nowell. Stephanie is a bomb shell… Continue reading Red hot red head: Abercrombie Client Testimonial

Muscles and Mascara, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales)

High & Waisted

What is with all of this high rise nonsense? The 80's called and they are demanding all denim high-rise jeans and shorts back! Take it from me, someone who survived the high rise nonsense, it isn't all its cracked up to be! In the mid 80's, I was an awkward teen with big, chemically infused… Continue reading High & Waisted

Bringing Sweaty Back

I want it all…right now!

It's not our fault. I blame the microwave epidemic.  The microwave oven shined its face upon our homes and forever changed kitchens, college dorm rooms, office lunch spaces and the trajectory of popcorn. I believe that the microwave unknowingly cultivated an "we want it right now" attitude that has been impossible to shake. What came… Continue reading I want it all…right now!

Muscles and Mascara


In my private training studio we do a lot of sweating, heavy lifting and jibber jabbing.  We discuss news, parenting, tell funny jokes, critique hollywood celebrities and break down books and movies.  (click above for my 12 week red carpet ready workout challenge) We talk about all of the female things from shoes to pubes.  We… Continue reading Unlisted

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio, FITogether virtual training


Just because you can't physically get to me doesn't mean you can get lean!!! I wish we lived closer to each other so I could come workout in your personal training studio.  If my office wasn't so far I would totally come train at Abercrombie & FITness. I would hire you as my trainer in… Continue reading What is VIRTUAL TRAINING?

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Meal Prep Pep

Hello my friends and top of the afternoon to you.  Yesterday, like most Monday's I hunker down in the kitchen for about an hour/ hour and half to food prep.  By food prep I mean I begin a monotonous process of preparing healthy foods in an organized fashion so during the week I can make… Continue reading Meal Prep Pep

Metabolism Monday, Muscles and Mascara

Super Size Surprise!

I tried the impossible.  I did my dead level best to pull off the impossibility of a surprise sweet 16th birthday party for the teen queen.  Do yall even know how virtually impossible this task is living in the year 2018? Yall, I gave it my best savvy techy well thought out, or so I… Continue reading Super Size Surprise!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Brusha Brusha Brusha: a tooth tell all

Until about three years ago I was in the dark on athletic socks. I was not aware that all  socks were created equal.  That was of course before I was randomly introduced to FEETURES socks which changed my daily life.. One area I generally experienced confidence has been my big bright wide white smile.  I… Continue reading Brusha Brusha Brusha: a tooth tell all