Muscles and Mascara

It’s not a muscle Part 2

Warning....some of the content in this post is of a medical graphic nature.   My previous post, It's NOT a Muscle, was so well received by all of my loyal friends and followers. Thank you, I was blown away by your generous outpouring of love, support and concern for my lipoma. Thank you all so much.… Continue reading It’s not a muscle Part 2

Muscles and Mascara

It’s not a muscle.

Do you see it?  Look close.  On the right side of my body just down from my arm pit.  It's not a muscle folks. The larger than life squishy tumor like mass on the right side of my body is not a hard earned muscle. It is a blushing non-cancerous growth called a LIPOMA.  A… Continue reading It’s not a muscle.

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Debbie France – a tale of two ankles

Welcome to another Abercrombie and FITness success story.  My boastful heart is exploding with pride and excitement to share a unique come back story of sorts. So without further ado, meet my amazing, spry, intelligent, zany friend, Debbie France. There aren't enough delightful adjectives to describe this very special lady who entered my studio gym… Continue reading Debbie France – a tale of two ankles

Muscles and Mascara

Flat & FIT

Ladies ladies enough with all of the breastions...I mean questions!  (lol) I'll get straight to the point.  YES, it's true, the "tata's" are usually, (but not always) the first to go bye-bye when the weight comes off.   I mean, really darling, what did you expect?  The mammaries are milk producers and full of fat.… Continue reading Flat & FIT