Muscles and Mascara

Voices Carry

There is an unurmountable amount of voices in modern culture. So many people talking and sharing.  By my calculations this is "A LOTTA" lot of voices floating around in your sphere. This is the decade we are living in...everyone has someone to influence or to be influenced by. I have a lot of outside's… Continue reading Voices Carry

Muscles and Mascara

It’s not a muscle Part 2

Warning....some of the content in this post is of a medical graphic nature.   My previous post, It's NOT a Muscle, was so well received by all of my loyal friends and followers. Thank you, I was blown away by your generous outpouring of love, support and concern for my lipoma. Thank you all so much.… Continue reading It’s not a muscle Part 2

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training, I don't cook

Better Than Chipotle

I don't avoids carbs. Carbohydrates are a way of life in my house. While I'm careful to not overindulge one thing is for certain...I have a heart and stomach for carbs. As does my beautiful baby girl teen queen who was breaking the bank with her passion and high maintenance taste for Chipotle. She was… Continue reading Better Than Chipotle

Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday

Just because

Do what is best for yourself. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you need or should follow suit. Do what is best for YOU!  Just because other people are doing certain things doesn't mean that you have to join along. Some people inhale cheese and greasy french fries but that doesn't mean you… Continue reading Just because

I don't cook


Along long time ago, in a a galaxy far far away....we didn't have choices!   Gosh, does anyone else recall how simple the grocery store use to be? I remember the cereal isle being the ONLY isle with what seemed like hundreds of boxes to choose from. It was the fun isle and you studied each… Continue reading BAR WARS