Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Dryer thoughts

Recently, while in the middle of a taming my frizzy skinny hair under the warm heat of a hand-held blow dryer, I had a very deep thought. It's possible that the serene hum of the dryer coupled with the vibrating hot air had me in a trance and melted my brain into mush. The truth is,… Continue reading Dryer thoughts

Bringing Sweaty Back

Horror on Halloween 

There is nothing more horrifying than discovering that an individual in your very own household has LICE!!!!  Sheer tears of terror is more like it. Today is a true tale of a real predator that can haunt anyone at anytime. It’s fascinating that a tiny, almost not visible to the naked eye, bug can stir up… Continue reading Horror on Halloween 

Muscles and Mascara

Flat & FIT

Ladies ladies enough with all of the breastions...I mean questions!  (lol) I'll get straight to the point.  YES, it's true, the "tata's" are usually, (but not always) the first to go bye-bye when the weight comes off.   I mean, really darling, what did you expect?  The mammaries are milk producers and full of fat.… Continue reading Flat & FIT