Bringing Sweaty Back, Makeup Monday

Mangey Monday

I think I’m allergic to MONDAY mornings. In fact, I hear it might be going around and that it’s highly contagious.   What if we collectively petitioned the Surgeon General’s office for a leave of absence on all future Monday’s across the board until further testing of all reactions have been determined!?!?! For as long… Continue reading Mangey Monday

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Confidence & Laugher

The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is CONFIDENCE! But what exactly is it? Can confidence be order up like a shot of whiskey or a double tall double strong cup of coffee?  Do you purchase it off the streets from an underground black market dealer or in the bowels of the dark web?… Continue reading Confidence & Laugher

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Dryer thoughts

Recently, while in the middle of a taming my frizzy skinny hair under the warm heat of a hand-held blow dryer, I had a very deep thought. It's possible that the serene hum of the dryer coupled with the vibrating hot air had me in a trance and melted my brain into mush. The truth is,… Continue reading Dryer thoughts

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Breaking Bad

Hello - My name is Angi and I was recently addicted to Breaking Bad.  I feel as if have basically been cooking methamphetamine for the better part of 3 weeks.  It all started when Mr. Chicken Fry added ROKU to our bedroom television as a pre-Christmas gift.  At the most opportune time, the holiday break,… Continue reading Breaking Bad