Bringing Sweaty Back

Intentional 3 month check in

My word for 2023 is INTENTIONAL! At the first of the year, I committed myself to some intentional intentions...if you missed the post, simply click HERE! Now it's report card how am I doing so far? HEALTH: Instead of doing a super sonic juice cleanse, which I'm not a fan of, I decided to… Continue reading Intentional 3 month check in

Bringing Sweaty Back

Fancy Frenzy – WHAT TO WEAR?

I'm having a fancy February freak out! On one hand I feel incredibly excited and honored to be invited to some upcoming parties and special formal celebrations. On the other hand, I'm a nervous nelly anxiously scouring amazon and other sites for formal cocktail attire. I feel like a baby child and I just want… Continue reading Fancy Frenzy – WHAT TO WEAR?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Wednesday Rewind – wine – wind down

Sweater weather in Texas is a fickle beast.  There are months of agonizing cold dreery wet days and blistering brisk winds with sunny skies.  By my calculation as a native Texan, we have approximately 7.5 months of what I call tentative "sweater weather". As an active woman, keeping up with the constant temperature swings is… Continue reading Wednesday Rewind – wine – wind down

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Dryer thoughts

Recently, while in the middle of a taming my frizzy skinny hair under the warm heat of a hand-held blow dryer, I had a very deep thought. It's possible that the serene hum of the dryer coupled with the vibrating hot air had me in a trance and melted my brain into mush. The truth is,… Continue reading Dryer thoughts