Bringing Sweaty Back

Apre Ski 2023

Creatures of habit? Perhaps, but there is a valid reason why we keep Telluride on repeat. Christmas vacation 2023, Abercrombie family wound down the year in our favorite mountain spot in Telluride, Colorado. I hesitate to "show and tell" this special vacation retreat because Telluride is literally Colorado's BEST KEPT SECRET! WHY? Because it's not… Continue reading Apre Ski 2023

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Hello Tuesday and mid August. Does anyone else feel like the Summer zoomed by? I have another Tid-bit Tueaday for ya! Since I'm basically being forced into the whole back to school routine I want to discuss it and how it relates to working out. How you can make training work for you. As a… Continue reading 5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Bringing Sweaty Back

Horror on Halloween 

There is nothing more horrifying than discovering that an individual in your very own household has LICE!!!!  Sheer tears of terror is more like it. Today is a true tale of a real predator that can haunt anyone at anytime. It’s fascinating that a tiny, almost not visible to the naked eye, bug can stir up… Continue reading Horror on Halloween