Bringing Sweaty Back

Healthy Obligations

Welcome to the week.   Summer is in full swing.  Thankfully, all of the excitement and hustle-bustle of graduation is behind us.  But there will be no settling down per se.  The obligation of all things freshman year of college is full steam ahead.  In fact, it reminded me of a previous post I wrote… Continue reading Healthy Obligations

Muscles and Mascara


In my private training studio we do a lot of sweating, heavy lifting and jibber jabbing.  We discuss news, parenting, tell funny jokes, critique hollywood celebrities and break down books and movies.  (click above for my 12 week red carpet ready workout challenge) We talk about all of the female things from shoes to pubes.  We… Continue reading Unlisted

Bringing Sweaty Back

Junk food

In my wonderings, I often gaze out in the sky and imagine what it would be like to have a sit down and interview the CEO or founders of Little Debbie snack foods, Hostess or Nabisco. Like what even could be their premier mission statement? Would it be..."To sell sweet treats that make people happy"… Continue reading Junk food

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Dryer thoughts

Recently, while in the middle of a taming my frizzy skinny hair under the warm heat of a hand-held blow dryer, I had a very deep thought. It's possible that the serene hum of the dryer coupled with the vibrating hot air had me in a trance and melted my brain into mush. The truth is,… Continue reading Dryer thoughts

Bringing Sweaty Back

The truth about Tofu

To tofu or not to tofu? Let me give you a few free tofu tid bits. If you're into bite sized soft white bland blocks of a jelly like substance you're in luck. Tofu is your go to for soy bean based protein.  In my opinion, there is nothing tantalizing  about Tofu. It has zero… Continue reading The truth about Tofu

I don't cook

Eat Smart

Chip lovers of the world, prepare to be amazed and hopelessly devoted!  I lucked out and landed a super-duper find on the crunch front.  The time has finally arrived and...drum roll please...we have ourselves a delicious HEALTHY chip. Eat Smart snacks get a two thumbs up and Abercrombie and FITness seal of approval. Just so… Continue reading Eat Smart

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Lean streak 

CONFESSION:  I quit drinking alcohol during the week days, approximately 12 weeks ago.  Beginning December 1st I stopped drinking alcohol, for me that is wine and champagne, Sunday through Thursday.  I fully realize that December was not an "ideal" time to start a cold turkey experiment due to the seasonal festivities surrounding Christmas and the… Continue reading Lean streak