Bringing Sweaty Back

Intentional 3 month check in

My word for 2023 is INTENTIONAL! At the first of the year, I committed myself to some intentional intentions...if you missed the post, simply click HERE! Now it's report card how am I doing so far? HEALTH: Instead of doing a super sonic juice cleanse, which I'm not a fan of, I decided to… Continue reading Intentional 3 month check in

Bringing Sweaty Back

Amazon FIT Finds

Amazon...where have you been all of our lives!!  An online soup to nuts store with delivery and easy to use access!  I love it and I genuinely love all of the below featured products. I wanted to share a few of my latest and greatest FIT finds.  Everything from active here... to toothpaste. Supplements… Continue reading Amazon FIT Finds

Muscles and Mascara, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales)

High & Waisted

What is with all of this high rise nonsense? The 80's called and they are demanding all denim high-rise jeans and shorts back! Take it from me, someone who survived the high rise nonsense, it isn't all its cracked up to be! In the mid 80's, I was an awkward teen with big, chemically infused… Continue reading High & Waisted

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


When I was a pre teen, I became acutely aware that I did NOT posses certain qualities and features that some of my pre-teen counter parts displayed. But it's NOT what you are thinking. Being a native Texan, I spent every Summer in a bathing suit splashing in and out of swimming pools or the… Continue reading NOT like EVERYone ELSE

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Dryer thoughts

Recently, while in the middle of a taming my frizzy skinny hair under the warm heat of a hand-held blow dryer, I had a very deep thought. It's possible that the serene hum of the dryer coupled with the vibrating hot air had me in a trance and melted my brain into mush. The truth is,… Continue reading Dryer thoughts

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Thirsty Skinny Hair

Happy HUMP day and a big "Thank You" to all of y'all for the sweet messages and anniversary wishes!  Now, nothing makes my HAIR feel "skinner" than the Winter time.  (This is not a good thing). Cold harsh January and February days only add to the fragile-ness I experience with skinny hair. People often complain about… Continue reading Thirsty Skinny Hair